
Friday, March 6, 2015

Big Love

Love is dynamic, like a swirling fog. It is not static. We experience it differently with every person we love. We describe it differently depending on our current moment, what thoughts are currently in the front of our brains.

I enjoy that Kyle is a writer. I enjoy how he describes his love for me in all the different ways. I love that while he might focus on one thing one day, he will focus on something different another day.

I am revisiting what love is. When I told my step-father my feelings for Kyle, he started to cry. He said that is how he felt about my mother. (Yes, I will write about my feelings for Kyle at a different time that is not now.) He told me that is True Love and that I should do the work necessary to hold it in an open hand, because it is precious.

----------Original Message----------
From: Kyle
Date: Feb 18, 2015 6:48 PM
Subject: how I love you
To: Red


I love you. I love you to the ends of the Universe and back. I love you to before the Big Bang and until the end of time and matter.

I love you like I love my freckles...

*hint: it's a lot.

I love you for your patience, for your love, for your enthusiasm, for your sweetness, for your strength.

I love your skin and your bones and your muscles and your hair and your teeth and your wetness and your hardness.

I love you fully - mind, soul, body, spirit.

All of you, baby, that's what I love.

1 comment:

  1. :-) I love you so much honey. There is so much about you to love, it will take me the rest of my life to express it all.

    That's a task I happily accept.


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