
Friday, April 3, 2015

Woodpeckers and Princesses, Dayenu

“Okay, buster. Okay okay okay okay okay okay.”

That was the hook.

It caught in my maw; my lip, my mouth, my mind, and my soul expertly hooked by the repetition of that one word.


My lover presented this book to me with the following inscription:
“One of my favorite
books for one of
my favorite people.
Happy Birthday
Love, Kyle”

I was joyful that he wanted to share this with me, profoundly grateful that he would give me this glimpse inside of him. I was also dubious.

I don’t read much fiction. I hadn’t read any fiction written by Tom Robbins. The odd twist of his word play seemed silly, if not downright ridiculous at times.

Dayenu. It would have been enough that my love gave this book to me; I would have read it.

Dayenu. It would have been enough to have the subtle hint drift across my FB feed…a quote regarding love from this novel; I would have read it.

Dayenu. It would have been enough to have the subtle flirtation from a friend regarding her fetish for redheads, as she confided this is one of her favorite novels as well; I would have read it.

Dayenu. It is enough; the book is in my hands. I open the cover and I read. I find this quote.

So much of my recent past comes to the fore: the unruly way my world exploded, my floundering about for answers, the arrival of my gentleman rogue/outlaw hero, and my path to my own rescue. I can only rely on myself.

Dayenu. My life is enough.


  1. Every time I read that book, and every time you've shared something that struck you, I feel like I've learned more about why this book has always stood out as one of my favorites and one that has had a huge impact on me.

    "okay okay okay..." -- interesting that this is my 'yellow' signal sequence, eh?

    1. I love you. I love learning about us both. I love that quote BECAUSE it is your 'yellow, signal sequence.

  2. I didn't realize the connection of my current 'okay, okay, okay..' to the one in the book.. life is a series of repeating patterns... it's awesome.


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