
Friday, July 24, 2015

Genderfluid Medical Transition Begins...Finally

I decided to transition in February. I found a doctor, set up an appointment, and finished all the labs. And then life happened. I got a new job in Olympia. I put medical transition off.
Once I moved, I found a provider, set up an appointment, and did all the labs AGAIN. I was hoping to get my scrip on the 13th. And at the appointment, I found out that I DID need a letter from my therapist.  FUCK.
I told my therapist and we spent my whole session on the 16th going over my dysphoria, permanent effects of T, temporary effects of T, the possible impact on my mental health and my strategies for coping. Then it took a WHOLE WEEK to get the letter.  I got that letter yesterday and took it to the provider’s office and traded it in for my scrip.
I took the scrip to the pharmacy. Because the dosing directions were off, the pharmacist didn’t want to give me the scrip before he got it sorted out with my provider. I walked away…and just before I left the store, I walked back. I looked him straight in the eye and told him I didn’t want to leave without my scrip. I told him that I had been waiting a long time for this and I just wanted to get started. I had tears in my eyes. We decided on a compromise. He didn’t give me the whole scrip and I took a 1 mL bottle home with me. I asked for syringes and the pharmacy assistant that rang me asked what length and gauge. I told her just the syringes, because I already have the needles.  Her eyes got big as she tried to figure out why I might have them and she went to get the syringes for me.
Kyle calls it man juice. I told him that doesn’t work for me so he came up with magic juice. I like that just fine. :D
Kyle talked me through my first shot. On the first poke, I struck a nerve and my quad wiggled around all funny, like a quad sized fish on a hook. I did a second poke and it went much better. I got it all in and now I wait to see what happens.
One thing I have noticed is that my brain is remarkably quiet. I’m not sure if it’s a physical response or emotional response to starting T.  It might not be related at all. I’m not sure.

1 comment:

  1. Granted, my head got quieter as soon as I *decided* to take T, but I think it's cool that we both experienced similar first effects. People have asked more than once if I have more anger issues or if I'm more moody. Truth is, I'm much more calm - if you overlook the month or so of adjusting to the new hormone in my body when I acted like a teenager.

    I hope that your calm becomes a constant and that you enjoy the other upcoming changes as well.

    Through it all, I love you and I'm super excited you have your magic juice now. <3


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