
Monday, May 23, 2016

Playing Outside the Lines

One thing that Kyle and I do is kink. We are both masochists and both sadists and we play well together. We have many of the same kinks. We have nearly 18  months of playing well together.

I revel in kinky play with romantic partners. So much so, that prior to this past weekend, I cannot recall an actual scene that I have played outside of romantic partnership. This may seem normative, or maybe not. I guess it depends on your lived experience.

But getting back to the point of this post...When Kyle and I attended KinkFest 2016, I volunteered at the check-in desk. I love the energy of it. All the people, so excited for all the classes and the dungeon and the parties and the vendor mall. It's beautiful and amazing and awesome. I always meet awesome folx and this year I met The Violinist. Our eyes connected and we met with matching smiles, wicked and joyous, covered in glitter, perhaps a recognition...perhaps not. We shared a charming interlude as I completed the check in process.

The Violinist possesses an energy that draws me in. As the weekend progressed, we saw each other here and there. I watched for a bit while they played in the dungeon. I took note when they were nearby. My smile was always met with a smile when our eyes met, the spark evident in the twinkle of our eyes. After the weekend, we connected as people often do, on social media. We chatted about this and that, including our desire to know each other better, and perhaps connect.

Last weekend, we connected up north, after dizzying rounds of
Haiku Kink Courting
Sharing art and desire and

I played outside the lines. I broke open the place where I had been hiding. I broke the seal. It was the first time I played outside of the lines and I made some mistakes. When we're trying a new activity, we often make mistakes.

  • I didn't know all of what I needed for aftercare.
  • I hadn't communicated that bilateral evenness of impact is important to me. The more intense the impact, the more important the evenness.
  • I didn't ask what The Violinist needed for aftercare.
All in all, I took some great lessons away from our play session. I like stinging more than thuddy. I like hard thud, the kind that will move my body. I like that my body feels like a fine instrument in their hands.

I'm excited to continue this new path and learning the things that making playing outside the lines easier as time passes and I gain more experience.

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