Go forth into what? Witchery, relating, and learning. Those are the three big goals for this year. One thing they all hold in common is the need for patience and organization.
I referred to Refinery29's article, New Year Resolution Ideas By Zodiac Sign 2017 Horoscope, written by Sara Coughlin based on information from Chani Nicholas and the Astrotwins, Tali and Ophira Edut. Capricorn is my Sun sign and Leo is my rising sign.
Capricorn: Be patient
Fess up, Cap — you hate it when things don't go according to plan. As the taskmaster of the Zodiac, you struggle to go with the flow sometimes, but next year is the time to give that a try. We won't make you relinquish control completely (because what Goat could do that?), but we will urge you to give everyone around you — and yourself — a little more wiggle room. Surprises are not the end of the world. They're just an opportunity for you to show off that quick Capricorn wit.
Leo: Get organizedIn following NYNY, I need to break down the goals in to bite sized pieces, figure out the magic I want to use, use divination to suss out paths to success, and work with my spirits to help identify what is blocking you from your goal. <sarcasm> SUPER EASY! </sarcasm>
“If you have your sun, moon, or ascendant in Leo or Aquarius, chances are this year will bring about an increase in activity in terms of what you are working on, developing, and healing within yourself," Nicholas said. In other words, now's the time to clean house, Leo. Rather than fueling the chaos (which, let's be honest, is sometimes your wont), hit the brakes and take stock of your goals, needs, and plans for the next year. Once 2017 is in full swing, you'll be ready to proceed full-speed ahead.
This could be your year — as long as you're prepared to receive it.
DID I MENTION I'M NEW AT THIS? However, I've been easing into these writing prompts, having already started thinking on them before I even read the prompt. So, I'll just jump in with the assumption that I'm doing this "right."