Monday, May 8, 2017

Context, because it matters.

noun: context; plural noun: contexts

the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.

I am currently in CMST240 Intercultural Communication.  It is fascinating because of the different lenses that are used to gather, interpret, and understand different cultures in order to assist in communication.

Two of the three lenses don't even look at context. The circumstances, history, location that lead to understanding of norms in a given culture.

What is more interesting is how this applies to relating with people. People read this blog and think they know how I relate with my child, or BadBoi, or the Knife, or Kyle, or any number of other people that I might mention. Sometimes, they even comment on it with disparaging remarks.

And what they have taken in is simply data. They do not have information, because they do not have context. They have data taken at a finite moment in time. And then they make an ass out of themselves by making assumptions about who they think I am or what they think that I am about based on that bit of data, without context.

I find it unfair to be subject to this kind of assumption. I also find it cruel. If you feel a need to make an assumption about me, you might want to ask about the context of post so you can make an informed decision.

Saturday, May 6, 2017 isn't a thing...really.

Most folks don't believe me. They are wrong. No one does anything without some sort of benefit. It might be a short-sighted, or short term, benefit, but there always a benefit.

When I say I want Kyle to be happy, it's not for him, and he knows it. He knows it because I tell him. I want him to be happy because it makes my life easier; it makes my life better.

If he is having a rough week, that impacts me. I get less time, less attention, less sex, less fun. That sucks.

I also want Mrs. Kyle to be happy. It's not for her, but she doesn't know it. We don't don't do kitchen table polyamory, so we don't talk about things like that. However, it is true. When she is unhappy, then Kyle is unhappy, and then I get less time, less attention, less sex, less fun. That sucks.

I don't want my life to suck. I don't want to have to deal with a bunch of stupid shit that has nothing to do with me. So I want both of them to be happy, because then MY LIFE IS EASIER.