
Friday, February 27, 2015


There are so many changes happening in my world right now. I've written about some of them here, here, and here.

One other change is coming. I am reimagining, reinventing, and rededicating my life. I am working to strike out for a new city, new work for pay, and a new way of living my life.

Change is a funny thing. Sometimes in comes in fits and starts. Sometimes it winds around, apparently willy nilly. Sometimes changes are faster than we expect and more wide reaching that we can imagine.

Watch the first 20 seconds of this video...

The original change in my life was like that ball dropping in the center of the circle. It started a catastrophic chain reaction of change in my life. Those changes are BIG. Those changes are far reaching. Those changes come as a big surprise to those who have known me over the last 10 years. They are not surprising to me.

I sent off a email to a friend checking in with me. I told her I feel strong. And that feeling is filed with resonance, like the WORD. I DO feel strong. I feel more solid. I'm on my path. I know where I'm going. I feel the universe supporting me in LOVE.

I am confident about these changes. I feel the call for change in my soul. I am on the correct path for me, and ultimately for my family. Here and now, I know my destination. I travel there with a courageous heart.


  1. You are so rad. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

  2. You are strong and beautiful and amazing. I am so blessed to have you in my life and to benefit every day from your strength and passion. The universe is supporting you in love, and so am I. xoxo


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