I hear that this time of year, the veil is thinnest and i had dreamt about trying to get away from large crowds of poeple who descended on my home where I was comfortably living out my life with my chosen family. I kept trying to hide from them. They kept multiplying until I couldn't find anyone I knew. I felt overwhelmed, unable to be alone, and irritated. I kept looking for our matriarch, but couldn't find her.
When I woke up, I felt sad. I felt achy. I miss my mother. I miss her being her so she could tell me that my child is just like me. I miss her seeing the strides my child makes as she grows and develops into an amazing human being. I miss her being here so I could tell her, "I AM a good parent." and show her, too, because she didn't believe that I could be a good parent. That knowledge still hurts. and like Megan Devine said,
And now, when the veil is thinnest (why IS that? How do we KNOW that?) WHY CAN'T I FIND HER TO TELL HER ALL THE THINGS?
And why do I want to show her I'm a good parent? She can't take back the thing she said 15 years ago. I can't unfeel the hurt. Even now it stabs at me at odd times. I can only carry it and I wish I could put it down.